Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Real Presence Live December 30, 2014 (Hour 2)

Dr. Jan George joined hosts Fr. Charles LaCroix and Jeanine Bitzan in the second hour to talk about her bible studies. Our hosts and guest also talked about the Catholic origin of The 12 Days of Christmas.


Real Presence Live December 30, 2014 (Hour 1)

In the first hour, hosts Fr. Charles LaCroix and Jeanine Bitzan were joined by a few guests, including Nick Emmel of St. Mary's High School in Bismarck, to talk about the upcoming March for Life in Washington, D.C.


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Real Presence Live December 23, 2014 (Hour 2)

Fr. Ross Laframboise joined host Brandon Clark in the second hour. The two talked about responding to God in prayer. Steve Splonskowski then joined our host to recap the year for Real Presence Radio.


Real Presence Live December 23, 2014 (Hour 1)

Destin Coles, Brad Gray, and Steve Splonskowski joined host Brandon Clark to talk about the importance of Men's Groups in our faith communities. Deacon George Loegering and Karen Splonskowski of the World Apostolate of Fatima Blue Army - Fargo Division then joined our host to talk about Our Lady of Fatima, her message, and how we can live out her message.


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Real Presence Live December 16, 2014 (Hour 2)

Fr. Frank Schuster of the Bismarck Diocese joined Msgr. Schumacher to talk about Advent. Msgr. Schumacher also spoke with Sonia Mullally, the new Communications Director for the Diocese of Bismarck.


Real Presence Live December 16, 2014 (Hour 1)

Bishop Kagan of the Bismarck Diocese joined host Msgr. Patrick Schumacher in the first hour of this program.


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Real Presence Live December 9, 2014 (Hour 2)

Dr. Louise Murphy of the Bismarck Catholic Physicians Guild shared her story and what it means to be a good Catholic and a good physician. She also shared the history of the Catholic Physicians Guild in Bismarck and across the United States. Mark Armstrong also joined Fr. Gross to talk about Our Lady of Guadalupe.


Real Presence Live December 9, 2014 (Hour 1)

Host Fr. Brian Gross spoke about the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and Gaudete Sunday. Dr. Edward Sri joined Fr. Gross to talk about his upcoming visit to Bismarck for an Advent Parish Mission.


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Real Presence Live December 2, 2014 (Hour 2)

Doug Holston joined hosts Brad Gray and Brandon Clark to talk about his experience as an RCIA candidate. Doug has been a Catholic for three years now. Our hosts also talked about the Catholic liturgy and how it is a necessity in our lives.


Real Presence Live December 2, 2014 (Hour 1)

Fr. Kurtis Gunwall joined hosts Brad Gray and Brandon Clark to talk about preparing a place in our hearts for Jesus during Advent. Laura Devick also joined the two hosts to talk about making Advent a family experience.


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Real Presence Live November 25, 2014 (Hour 2)

Dr. Holly Ordway, an atheist convert, joined Roxane in the second hour. She shared her story of conversion and talked about her book detailing her journey to the Catholic Church. Karen Bakke, a local pro-life artist, joined Roxane for the last half hour to talk about her upcoming trip to the March for Life in Washington, D.C. She will be visually documenting Shanley students as they carry the lead banner and stand up for life.


Real Presence Live November 25, 2014 (Hour 1)

Fr. Kurtis Gunwall joined host Roxane Beauclair Salonen to talk about Thanksgiving and gratitude. Roxane was then joined by Sarah Nasello, a local restaurant owner and food writer, to talk about bringing family together around food and her new cookbook.


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Real Presence Live November 18, 2014 (Hour 2)

Jackie Bitz finished her amazing and faith-filled story of adoption to start out the second hour. Fr. Brian Gross was then joined by Tim Staples of Catholic Answers for the remainder of the show. Tim talked about his new book: Behold Your Mother, A Biblical and Historical Defense of the Marian Doctrines. He also talked about his upcoming visit to ND for the Real Presence Radio banquets.


Real Presence Live November 18, 2014 (Hour 1)

Host Fr. Brian Gross spoke with Bishop Folda of the Fargo Diocese in the first hour. The two talked about Bishop's time as a seminary rector and the chapel next to the abortion facility in Downtown Fargo. Fr. Gross was also joined by Jackie Bitz in the first hour. Jackie shared her story of joy and unseen blessings through adopting a son from China.


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Real Presence Live November 11, 2014 (Hour 2)

In the second hour, Fr. Schreiner spoke with local veterans, Fr. George Noel of the Crookston Diocese and Msgr. Brian Donahue of the Fargo Diocese, about their years of service to God and the country.


Real Presence Live November 11, 2014 (Hour 1)

In the first hour, host Fr. Bob Schreiner spoke with Fr. John Hotze about the cause for Canonization of Fr. Emil Kapaun, a Korean War hero.


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Real Presence Live November 4, 2014 (Hour 2)

In the second hour, Msgr. Jeffrey Wald joined Msgr. Patrick Schumacher to talk about a trinity of celebrations in Jamestown on November 23. Kim Dvorak also joined Msgr. Schumacher to talk about planned giving, specifically the ND Tax Credit.


Real Presence Live November 4, 2014 (Hour 1)

In the first hour, Fr. Bill Ruelle joined host Msgr. Patrick Schumacher to talk about All Souls' Day, visiting graves, indulgences, and purgatory. Msgr. Schumacher then talked with Dr. James Link about healing from the death of a loved one.


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Real Presence Live October 28, 2014 (Hour 2)

In the second hour of this program, host Rachelle Sauvageau was joined by Dr. Leroy Huizenga, the Chair of the Department of Theology at the University of Mary. The two discussed marriage as an institution of society. Rachelle was then joined by Jennie Korsmo of the Fargo Diocese to talk about the upcoming Year of Marriage and Family. Finally, we heard from Kathy Loney of the Fargo Diocese about the upcoming Senior High Youth Celebration with the Catholic Youth Advisory Council.


Real Presence Live October 28, 2014 (Hour 1)

In the first hour of this program, Sarah English joined host Rachelle Sauvageau to share her story of reversion. Colleen Samson, Jody Clemens, and Mary Thoelke also joined Rachelle to talk about the pro-life history of North Dakota.


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Real Presence Live October 21, 2014 (Hour 2)

In the second hour, Fr. Gross was joined by Dr. David Fleischacker of the University of Mary to talk about faith in the public square. Kathleen Beckman also joined Fr. Gross. The two discussed her new book "Praying for Priests." The book was endorsed by Bishop Kagan.


Real Presence Live October 21, 2014 (Hour 1)

In the first hour of this program, host Fr. Brian Gross was joined by Bishop Kagan of the Bismarck Diocese to talk about the recent Synod of Bishops, Measure 1, and the beatification of Pope Paul VI.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Real Presence Live October 14, 2014 (Hour 2)

In the second hour Janne Myrdal joined hosts Fr. Charles LaCroix and Jeanine Bitzan to continue the discussion on ND Measure 1. Fr. Bert Miller and Pastor Sue Koesterman then joined our hosts to talk about changing attitudes and language toward our brothers and sisters who are without homes.


Real Presence Live October 14, 2014 (Hour 1)

Hosts Fr. Charles LaCroix and Jeanine Bitzan began this program with Fr. Frank Pavone. Fr. Pavone will be the guest speaker at this year's Cupcakes for Life event in Fargo. Bill Gregg then joined our hosts. Bill told his story of adversity as a baby when he was born with five birth defects.


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Real Presence Live October 7, 2014 (Hour 2)

The Common Core discussion continued into the second hour of this program. Host Fr. Kregg Hochhalter was then joined by Sylvia Holmstrom. Sylvia is a Real Presence Radio pilgrim. The two talked about the most recent pilgrimage to Gretna, NE and Yankton, SD.


Real Presence Live October 7, 2014 (Hour 1)

Host Fr. Kregg Hochhalter of the Diocese of Bismarck was joined by ND Rep. Jim Kasper; Sandra Stotsky, a Professor of Education Reform in the Department of Education Reform at the University of Arkansas; Gerald Vetter, President of Light of Christ Catholic Schools of Excellence; Tony Fladeland, Principal at St. Mary's Elementary School in Bismarck; and Matt Strinden, Principal at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit in Bismarck. Together they discussed both sides of Common Core.


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Real Presence Live September 30, 2014 (Hour 2)

In the second hour our hosts Jeanine Bitzan and Brandon Clark spoke with Bishop Kagan of the Bismarck Diocese about the role of the Catholic Church regarding Measure 1 and why the Church is not violating IRS code when advocating for it. Janne Myrdal, Director of Concerned Women of America ND and Chair of the ND Choose Life Campaign, also joined our hosts. Janne set the record straight about the misinformation attacking Measure 1.


Real Presence Live September 30, 2014 (Hour 1)

In the first hour hosts Jeanine Bitzan and Brandon Clark spoke with Bishop Hoeppner and Amanda Zurface of the Crookston Diocese about the upcoming Year of Marriage Congress. They also talked with Danielle Rose, a music missionary, about her concert and keynote address at the Congress.


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Real Presence Live September 23, 2014 (Hour 2)

In the second hour, Mona Franck of FirstChoice Clinic and Lisa Althoff joined Aliceyn to talk about the upcoming LifeWalk. Steve Splonskowski and Janelle Schanilec of Real Presence Radio closed out the show giving a recap of the recent Live Drive.


Real Presence Live September 23, 2014 (Hour 1)

In the first hour, host Aliceyn Magelky was joined by Bishop Folda of the Fargo Diocese. She was also joined by Fr. Jasinski and Jennie Korsmo of the diocese to talk about the upcoming Year of Marriage and Family.


Tuesday, September 23, 2014